My account


In order to purchase items on our website, you must be registered and have a personal account

To register on the website, you will need to click on the person-shaped icon at the top right of the homepage.

You can register in two different ways.

Traditional registration: simply click on the wording “Not registered yet? Register now!” and enter your name, surname, email address, and the password of choice.

Registration via Amazon Pay: if you have an Amazon account, click on the Amazon Pay icon and the writing “use your Amazon account” before logging in with your Amazon credentials.

Please note: registration via Amazon Pay binds you to using only Amazon Pay as a payment method.

Once you have created an account and logged in, you will be able to place orders, check the status of your orders, open a return procedure, and check the status of the latter.

To place orders on, log in to the website with your credentials every time.

Please note: when you enter your date of birth, we recommend using the calendar and selecting first the month, then the year, and finally the day.

Have you already registered?

Then simply click on the “log in” icon at the top right and type in your e-mail address and password.

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